Saturday, September 12, 2015


Like many people, who have been to Disney parks frequently, I have an over-abundance of photos from several trips to Walt Disney World. I mean, over 25 years of trips to WDW! So I finally decided rather than leaving them in sitting in a box somewhere in a closet, picking out my favorites and creating a Disney scrapbook. But instead of just putting them in photo album and also leaving that in the bottom of a drawer, I wanted to create something I could hang on a wall. So in addition to adding other scrapbooking supplies, I found some tips on the internet, of people using the pressed pennies they collected in the parks to complement their scrapbook projects.

So on my last WDW trip in June, I collected some pressed pennies that would tie in with the theming of some of the Disney photos I'd be using in my first framed Disney scrapbook project.  

I’m sure many of you have noticed the many penny press kiosks around Disney World. If you haven’t, and you’re interested, they’re generally right inside the entrances of many of the stores in the parks and resorts or tucked in the resort lobby areas.

Each kiosk have different character designs themed to each specific location.

Some of them speak for themselves like these for example:

These I picked up for my Disney Patriotic Scrapbook project:

These two I found at the Port Orleans French Quarter where I was staying. The kiosk is tucked away in an area of the lobby right next to the restrooms and a player piano.

This one I picked in EPCOT's World Showcase. Although I don't know what this says, I believe I found this penny in Japan.

Being a huge fan of the older Mickey, I couldn't resist this Steamboat Willie penny which I believe I found in Magic Kingdom.

Lastly, is my Buzz Lightyear penny that will happily will be put into use, hopefully in not too distant future, in a scrapbooking project from the recently announced Toy Story Land at the Disney Hollywood Studios.

Friday, July 31, 2015


My goal for my last trip to Disney World in June was to pick up pins or what is referred to as a Pin Haul. First priority was some patriotic pins as it was close to the 4th. So while we were in the Magic Kingdom I sent my husband on a mission to pick up his favorite and I was on a quest to find a pin of my own. I love collecting these pins and displaying them and I also plan to use some of them in my WDW scrapbook projects. 

There were quite a few patriotic pins but two was the limit as there are so many incredible themed pins to choose from that I wanted and in my case, money is an object. After trying to decide between a few of them, I did finally decide on the Chip & Dale Top Hat Pin that I found at the Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe in Liberty Square. My husband found his favorite in an Oswald Flag Pin at the Frontierland Trading Post in, of course, Frontierland. Frontier Trading Post is the shop that Disney refers to as the Pin Trading & Shopping Mecca of the Magic Kingdom and they are not exaggerating. This is one of the shops where you will find many LE pins. Both of the pins we picked up are color code “Silver” which are priced at $8.95. One of the pleasant surprises I found in WDW merchandise was the insurgence of Oswald. There was a decent selection of Oswald items, primarily shirts and pins. So the next time you’re in Magic Kingdom, saunter on over to the Trading Post for a little piece of pin heaven. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Well, I just got back from the happiest place on earth. That’s right…Walt Disney World!

With me being a huge collector of Disney items, I felt like a kid in a candy shop. One of the best things that Disney has done is to introduce more Theme Park specific and Resort Logo items. For years Disney merchandise has been the generic Park merchandise that was sold everywhere. For a company like Disney these items were pretty boring and unimaginative. Well, in the last couple of years Disney has started to trend towards some very imaginative and exciting products. Starting recently, with the appearance of the Memento Mori, which sells basically Haunted Mansion attraction-related items to a new Superhero Store (can’t say the word Marvel) in Downton Disney. So cool! It’s been awhile since Disney has done anything exciting as far as merchandising since they decided to put those Disney character Christmas shops throughout their parks. I mean, even in the hottest days of summer, people are in there buying holiday items and you can count me in as one of them. 

Gone are the days of the cute and affordable…ok cheap, Disney character figurines that you could pick up just about everywhere in Walt Disney World. 

Take my Baseball Mickey for instance, from believe it or not...Sri Lanka! 

That’s the downside of Disney merchandise. With names like Britto, Jim Shore, Swarovski, Arribas, and Couture de Force, these figurines has just become too expensive for the average park visitor. My mom and I could pick up 5-6 good size and unique character figurines for the cost of one of the tiniest of Arribas items.  Of all of the above, Jim Shore’s Disney Traditions items are probably the best value and are amazingly detailed.  If you’re interested in Disney Princesses, then Couture de Force has some gorgeously detailed sculptures. There’s an Ariel figurine that is just stunning! 

Ariel Couture de Force Figurine

I had some money put aside for some Disney trinkets this trip and was planning on purchasing either a Couture de Force figurine or a Pandora bracelet. That is until I came across a couple of Benjamin Burch Gallery Wraps. Alas, they were a bit too pricey for my budget. Pooh...and I don’t mean Winnie!  But I did pick up some of his artwork on much more affordable post cards as well as Disney pins, jewelry, shirts and accessories. All of which I’ll be featured on my blog in the near future. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015


OK. I’ll admit upfront that I’m a 57 year-old female who you would never expect to be sucked up into the mania of Marvel. Well, one weekend evening while flicking through my cable channels I spotted the first Avengers movie and since there was nothing else to watch, I figure I’d sit down and give it a try. Partly, because I wanted to see for myself what the brouhaha was all about. Well, never was I so happy to be completely wrong as I was swept away into this amazing world of superheroes! I have to admit I haven’t enjoyed a movie this much in a long time. So when the Avengers sequel hit the theaters I went so far as to purchase movie tickets online in advance for Avengers: Age of Ultron and that’s something, until now, I would never do. I’ve also heard such good things about the IMAX 3D experience that I didn’t want to get shut out on opening weekend.

Another thing that I enjoy about these Marvel films is, though I’ve never been a big fan of movie violence, that any action scenes containing violence are so sanitized that it it’s not offensive. Although you may see some blood, it’s not excessively gory to make you feel uncomfortable.

As far as the sequel goes, while I enjoyed it, I felt it didn’t live up to its predecessor. To start with the villain and his minions were weak at best. Besides, he's NO Loki! Ultron, as much as he’s supposed to be this super-intelligent being, never lived up to the expectations. Another thing I felt where the story missed, largely for me, was although Ultron had an intense hatred for his creator, Tony Stark, the film never expands on that. Actually, there’s very little interaction between those characters at all. I was expecting some kind of showdown that may have brought some clarity to the villain’s motives. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion where this film was heading before it was even close to getting there. Speaking of foregone conclusions, I really liked the appearance of Vision and would have loved to see more development of his character and perhaps, we will, in the next project.

Unlike longtime Marvel fans, I didn’t start out reading Marvel comics and I wasn’t familiar with all the superheroes so when new characters were introduced at the end of the film I wasn’t nearly as excited as many Marvel fanatics may have been.  Again, I’m a newbie but I feel, going forward, that too many superheroes will take away screen time from the main characters like Iron Man, Thor and the Captain and, in my opinion, the storyline may suffer. Despite my disappointment in the sequel, I just might have to take another crack at Age of Ultron as it may grow on me. Besides, watching five sexy (and not just in the physical sense) superheroes romping and stomping around in tights and metal in their fight for justice, I feel, is worth another look. 

tom hiddleston animated GIF
Love Me Some Loki!

Thursday, April 23, 2015


When Disney CEO Bob Iger accidentally let slip (yeah…right) the possible news of a name change for the Disney’s Hollywood Studios Theme Park in the near future, I wasn’t surprised. This Disney Park has been through this before and since, hopefully, there may be major changes coming it makes total sense. Personally, I think they should drop the “Studios” designation as Disney Hollywood Studios hasn’t been a production studio since CEO Michael Eisner shut it down in 2003. I've also read reports of names like Disney's Florida Adventure and Disney's Hollywood Adventure. Of the two, I prefer Hollywood Adventure as that would fit right in with the theming of the Park. Regardless of the name change, and I may not be alone here, but I still find myself still calling it MGM. Even when the rebranding becomes an inevitable eventuality, I’ll probably still continue to refer to it as the same. The MGM designation has just become so ingrained in me.

This recent news also brings me back to my first time visiting Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park nearly 26 years ago. Most of what is at Hollywood Studios today was not there when the Park first opened in 1989. Today, many people, particularly those under the age of 21 would not appreciate what this park used to be and what it accomplished. Back then, Disney-MGM Studios was a working production facility and occasionally you’d catch a glimpse of an actual TV show or film in production. Aside from the Production Studio Area and Backstage Tour, the Theme Park area was of a modest scale and consisted of one ride, that being The Great Movie Ride, and a handful of shows such as Superstar Television, Monster Sound Show, (one of my favorites), and the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular.

The 2-hour Backstage Tour which took you by tram and on foot through the production studio. The tram portion of the tour took you through New York Streets/Streets of America on to Catastrophe Canyon and from there you would disembark to start the second half of the Backlot Tour which was the walking part that took you through many behind the scenes areas such as the special effects and sound stages which now currently house One Man’s Dream and Voyage of the Little Mermaid.

Another of my favorites, aside from Monster Sound Show, was The Magic of Disney Animation Tour which featured the film Back to Neverland with Robin Williams and Walter Cronkite and a working animation studio. A personal highlight of that tour was when walking by a window looking into a working studio of Disney animators and coming upon an animator’s rather large, and I mean HUGE collection of PEZ. I don’t know why, but at the time, I thought it was pretty cool and even though I’m not a PEZ collector, I now consider it was an amazing detail, since it’s something I still remember so many years later.

Well, much of these attractions are gone now and in my opinion, Disney Hollywood Studios has become a mere shell of its former self. Other than Toy Story Midway Mania, One Man’s Dream, Streetmosphere entertainment and the fact that the Hollywood Brown Derby happens to be onsite, I don’t see much, other than the above, to draw me into the park. Many people claim, and I happen to be one of them, who think Disney Hollywood Studios has become a ½ day park and that’s a shame really. What was once #2 on my favorite park list has sadly become #4. On the upside, are the recent rumors of upcoming projects coming to Hollywood Studios or whatever Disney decides to brand it.

The first of many changes has already begun in removing the studios iconic, and rather intrusive, Mickey Sorcerers Hat. That is a step in the right direction as the only thing this structure accomplished was to block the view of the entrance to the venerable Great Movie Ride. Furthermore, like many, I am looking forward to the much rumored Star Wars Land but until ground has officially been broken then I’ll believe it when I see it, as this has been kicking around for a few years now.  Also, the Cars Land rumors have resurfaced and since these reports keep bubbling up, then the project may not have been entirely abandoned. Cars Land for me personally, is the more exciting of the two ventures. Another project which I would eagerly anticipate with great joy would be the idea of a Villains Land but unfortunately, Disney doesn’t seem to share my vision with the same enthusiasm.

OK, many of you may want to stop reading from here on because I going to say it and I know some of you may also be thinking it, but I wouldn’t be too surprised upon hearing an announcement of a projected Frozen Land at Disney Hollywood Studios. I mean, it’s everywhere now. Actually, it's not a bad idea because it may get it out of the other parks and place it exactly where it’s belongs and is obviously needed. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015


I have to admit, I’m a big fan of the Disney Vinylmation Series. I don’t have many, but the ones I have, I really enjoy displaying. I generally purchase vinylmations that either have special meaning, are holiday themed or seasonal. I also love birds and one of my favorites is the owl. The last 2 winters I have displayed one of my favored vinylmations in the Cutesters series, “Snow Day Owl’ in the "Vinylmation Place of Honor” on my bedroom window sill. When the time comes, I also diligently pack them away once there have become irrevalent. Well, Mr. Snowy Owl seems to be hanging around a bit longer this year. He made his appearance once my Holiday Mickeys were stowed away right after New Year’s Day and he hasn’t budged since. He’s made up his mind to remain on his lofty perch until that last flake snow has fallen and the last impenetrable snow pile has disintegrated.

Yeah, I know it’s only been officially spring for a little less than 2 weeks now, but someone forgot to notify Mr. Winter.  Since then much of New England has seen snow showers, blustery days, and rather chilly temps even for late March. It may be that things are looking up though because our Easter Sunday forecast went from potential snow flurries to a sunny, windy, and low in 40’s type of day. Not great, but then again, it’s not snow. This surely is a blessing.

Again, Mr. Snowy Owl is not going anywhere while those grimy snow piles remain constant. Well, I’m giving Mr. Owl notice that he has up to 30 days to evacuate the premises. Besides, my spring birthday is a little more than a month away and Mystery Bakery Figment is waiting in the wings.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


In December of 2013 I picked up this Jim Shore “Fowl Temper” figurine at the Animation Courtyard shop at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. While in the process of purchasing this item, I got into a conversation with the cast member at the register about Donald Duck. I had told him how Donald was my favorite character and how much I loved this piece. We started talking more about Donald and the cast member stated he liked Donald Duck but would not purchase Donald Duck unless he had a happy face. 

I, at once, disagreed and feel exactly the opposite. I told the cast member that the main reason that Donald appeals to me is that he exhibits human characteristics. In fact, Donald is the most human of the Mickey and Friends characters. Most Disney characters appear happy and squeaky clean. Donald has many faces and most of them are not the happy and smiling ones we’re used to seeing.

Well, there’s nothing wrong with a character showing a little emotion, even downright indignation, frustration or anger.   And as we all know, Donald is the epitome of frustration and the master of the slow-burn. At times, we even feel sorry for him. Donald is, in some respects, the yin to Mickey’s yang. Donald is the “Doubting Thomas”. Donald has to be convinced, cajoled and even converted to see the positive side of things. I mean, isn’t that like many of us? When things are going really well, don’t we feel that it’s only a matter of time before something bad will happen? Don’t we, in bad times, need reassurance that everything is going to be alright? When we’re in a mood, some of us, myself included, get frustrated or angered by just the simplest of things. Because of these reasons, I totally relate to Donald and his many faces, even the angry ones.

Donald isn’t the bad guy or a villain, nor is he a saint, he’s just like us, is all.

I didn’t realize until after I left the store, I should have asked the cast member what he thought about a certain dwarf or those famous Disney Villains.